How To Inspire A Healthy Lifestyle For Your Team
Team work makes the dream work
The pandemic inflicted an untold amount of stress on everyone. Whether your role was in the mailroom, the boardroom, the classroom or the emergency room, it was inescapable. Some people were able to ride out the storm without a scar. Others are still reeling from it.
Perhaps, if you’re like me, you are trying to recalibrate your life and adjust to a new way of working and living. These months of uncertainty and ever-changing circumstances have taken a toll on us, physically, emotionally and mentally. It’s likely that we have picked up some poor habits that need to be replaced.
Make A Change
Change is not easy. Bad habits are tough to break. Yet if we are to emerge from this trial “better, faster and stronger,” an honest assessment of our lifestyle is needed. You can’t change what you can’t name, so it’s time to look in the mirror and ask a few important questions:
1. What positive changes or experiences do I want to continue? For example: spend more time with family due to daily commute time being freed up.
2. What health or wellness practices do I need to re-invigorate?
3. What new rituals or routines do I want to jump-start again?
Let Them Go
For me, I was overindulging in food, drink and television. My previous commitment to a healthy lifestyle was tossed aside as I dealt with the challenges of leading my company through this major crisis. Also, working from home, while in the past was enjoyable, began to feel isolating, especially for some of my team members who live alone.
Many people’s actions during this time may have been to "numb the pain." Instead of persevering in our healthy habits, we grabbed the bag of chips, we poured another cocktail, we purchased unneeded items or we memorized the channel guide so as to not miss an episode of our favorite show
Be The True North
As leaders, we set the tone for our organizations. We are the embodiment of our culture, and our team members look to us as examples. In my company, “Be Better” is our philosophy. If my staff sees me contradicting this, what incentive do they have to adhere to it? If I’m continually going against what I profess to be our vision, my integrity as a leader and my team’s trust in me will falter.
You are your team’s guide through tumultuous times. Your behavior, decisions and actions are on display.
Your team may be putting on a brave face out of fear of judgment. What I’ve noticed is just because someone appears to be fine on the outside is no indicator of their true state of mind. Go the extra mile and don’t take “I’m fine” as the final answer.
Source: Forbes